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List of Alberta Scholarships for Graduating High School Students

Below you will find a useful list of scholarships in Alberta for graduating high school students. If there is a scholarship you know of that isn’t on this list, please send an email to:

Alberta High School Scholarship List

Federal Government – Grants, Loans and Scholarships

  • The Government of Canada’s Canada Student Grants and Loans – What student grants and loans offer webpage lists various means by which students may obtain financial aid from the federal government. The Canada Student Financial Assistance Program “offers grants and loans to full-time and part-time students to help pay for their post-secondary education.” In Alberta, “Canada Student Grants and Loans are available alongside provincial or territorial student aid.”
  • The Government of Canada also offers scholarships that may be of interest. For more information on federal financial aid for students, see the Government of Canada’s Student Aid webpage.

Alberta Post Secondary Institutions – Support, Scholarships and Bursaries

Scholarships and Support for Indigenous Students

Additional resources for Alberta students